Wednesday Night Training 2009 11 19

Didn’t feel like riding tonight at all. 3 layers up top, a skull cap, neck warmer, shoe covers etc… very cold. Just had a hot shower and my feet still feel frozen solid.
7 riders tonight. The first sprint is always the easiest for me as I don’t think the others want to try and win it until they are warmed up, so I took it quite easily. Sprint two, 2nd by a rim. Then I took it easy till about lap 7 when four of us broke away and I was well rested. One guy went at about the 150m mark then another, then another, then me…I passed them just at the right spot…the finish line. Just spinning and drafting behind them till I got to the special mark.
The advice I heard from Mr. Murata last week about the 8 second rule paid off. I had calculated with the help of Polymer Head at TCC that our best sprint is to go as hard as you need to from about 113m before the finish line. Which should take me about 8 seconds. I made some rough calculations last night and this afternoon for where this magical point is in the tunnel. The tunnel is almost exactly 250m long and I found a grate on the side that is at the 113m point and I didn’t put in any muscle energy till I got to this point. It seems to have made a big difference.
Even though I was tired before this training I found it easier than usual.
I didn’t use my heart rate monitor but had the cadence sensor working. I tend to ride with a low cadence for this course…
November 30th is Seo Festival, and I know a secret…