TT training and MTB

I was a day behind schedule as it rained all day yesterday and all I managed to do was eat Italian and watch Youtube all day.
This morning the rain started to stop and some blue sky started popping out here and there so I got my aero barred Trek ready and proceeded to do some TT training for Sunday’s Omiya keirin races.
I went down the hill to the bottom of the road that goes up to the 47 ski resort and proceeded to do do 2.5km hill climbs in time trial position. 2.5km up slow and hard then 2.5km down easy and fast. I did this for an hour and managed 25kms.

Today’s TT data

In the 47 car park I could see MTBers getting ready to take the gondola up the mountain. Realizing that it was more fun than my TT training I decided to ditch the training at the half way point. (originally intended to do 50kms of training). I did my last TT climb then home and switched for the MTB.
I was going to get a 3 hour pass for the gondola but they told me the downhill course was going to close at 1pm (in 30 minutes) so I opted for a one way ticket (750 yen) after cashing in a two year old expired ski season pass for 1000 yen.
Took the gondola up and took the MTB down the wet and wild ‘Freedom’ course. Due to the wet and my race this Sunday I didn’t want to crash. I crashed! Nothing too bad. I took the steepest part at the end and wasn’t going to make it. Went into ninja rolling mode and managed to get out of the way of the MTB sliding down after me.
I thought I could ride to the bottom form here but there was nowhere to go but up. Opting to take the easy option I forked out another 350 yen and got the ski lift back to the top. The central course 5 had a closed sign on it therefore I had no choice but to take the easy way.
The way that was supposed to have closed at 1pm. Then back down to the start for lunch.

Today: 35km
Year: 3461.4km