Smash Up Derby

8 bike pile up in the tunnel: (the 9th rider arrived after).

Ride data:

Was just in a nasty sprinters crash nightmare.

Too bad there is no footage as it was a doozy!

Usual Wed night sprint training:
On our 3rd sprint for the night, into the tunnel, 150m to go….probably doing 45 or more just revving up for the final…. pace line of 8 or 9… all of us probably 10 or 20cm away from each other,,, (I was sitting about 4th)… and the two at the front went down…no time to do anything except look at the landing area and bounce and roll. Went straight into the pile of bikes and bodies piling up in front of me and cart wheeled right over everybody… bike flung off my shoes and went a further 5m in front of the mess…
Most could not get up and off the road for about 5 minutes….couldn’t believe I had been thrown so far in front of everybody else….

One guy in an ambulance with a big cut on his chin…
All 9 of us hit the deck.
2 sore collar bones…. may need X-rays…
lots of grazes..
a few broken wheels…
lights and drink bottles and bits and pieces of parts all over the road…
cops came and had a chuckle…didn’t tell us to stop though….

I myself have a broken saddle.
helmet split in two
ripped a hole in my pants big enough to see a whole left cheek…
a hole in the shoulder of my jersey.
grazed elbows…
grazed wrists
grazed finger.
grazed left shoulder.
sore head
sore back.
sore bum…

Will have to inspect the bike in the day light…my Cosmic carbons were still spinning afterwards but when I got on my bike to move to a safer spot the back tube exploded like a gun BANG!

The good news is… although I’m sore I feel fine…

Looks like we were doing 45ish and the cartwheel of the bike hit 64kph..

Today: 17.52km
Year: 4379.03km
My Bum Hole