

December 2, 2022
My great great grandmother was Roseanne Egan. I believe she may have been born in Dublin in 1824 but have some circumstantial evidence that her family were in or from Gallen (Kings County) Offaly. Rose married Thomas McEntyre in Dublin. Thomas’ parents James and Elizabeth Cummins married in 1818 in Banagher (near Gallen Offaly). It

Pinpointing R-M222 McIntyre origins

March 2, 2018
There is a lot on the internet about the McIntyres of Scotland’s origins. They have the Clan Chief and a big following. The Irish McIntyres however seem to have no real idea of their origins. There is some crossover and mixing but I’m going to split them into 3 groups here and concentrate on my

McIntyres of Ireland

May 19, 2017
I’ve started a McIntyres of Ireland facebook page. Growing quite quickly.   If you have an interest in the McIntyres (all spellings ) of Ireland. Sign up.   Closed private group—> Click Here Open invitation general page—> Click Here

Kings County Offaly McEntyres

February 11, 2015
In the Griffith Valuation there are McIntyre’s in Kings/Offally and no McEntyre’s and there are McEntyre’s in Dublin as well as McIntyre’s but no Thomas. James and Thomas are very common. There is a collection of PDFs on our McIntyres of Ireland page that lists a lot of baptisms and marriages  (members only) Have found the

Mary Josephine McEntyre

February 4, 2015
Mary came with her younger brother James to Australia from Dublin via Plymouth on the ship Pericles. Mary died a year later and has listed on her death certificate another family of McIntyres as her cousin. Will upload the death certificate shortly Here is the family that we are trying to find the link..cousins via

Thomas Joseph McEntyre

February 4, 2015
McIntyre DNA project   Breakthrough: Have found Thomas’ father  ——->James Thomas is the son of James McEntyre and Elizabeth McEntyre. My guess is this is Thomas’ wedding photo to his 2nd wife Honora. Thomas would have been 41 or 42. On the marriage record I’ve found for Thomas and Honora there is a James McEntyre