Henrietta Rose McEntyre

Henrietta Rose McEntyre

February 16, 2015
Have spent close to 30 years tracking down Henrietta. Always assumed she stayed in Ireland. Was told we had family in America and managed to track them down as well. They are not interested unfortunately. She turned up in Bethlehem Pennsylvania. I’ve found all three siblings’ baptisms and father Thomas’ second marriage records here http://churchrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords To […]
Kings County Offaly McEntyres

Kings County Offaly McEntyres

February 11, 2015
In the Griffith Valuation there are McIntyre’s in Kings/Offally and no McEntyre’s and there are McEntyre’s in Dublin as well as McIntyre’s but no Thomas. James and Thomas are very common. There is a collection of PDFs on our McIntyres of Ireland page that lists a lot of baptisms and marriages  (members only) Have found the […]
Pericles 1878 Plymouth to Sydney

Pericles 1878 Plymouth to Sydney

February 4, 2015
Mary and James McEntyre came to Australia on the Percicles in 1878. Ships List showing both Mary and James is below. Photo #1 Showing James’ #10357 spelt McEntyre James. Farm Laborer Dublin 19 Photo #2 on another page. spelt McIntyre James 19 Dublin with father Thomas and stepmother Honora over Dublin 19 Roman Catholic to […]
Mary Josephine McEntyre

Mary Josephine McEntyre

February 4, 2015
Mary came with her younger brother James to Australia from Dublin via Plymouth on the ship Pericles. Mary died a year later and has listed on her death certificate another family of McIntyres as her cousin. Will upload the death certificate shortly Here is the family that we are trying to find the link..cousins via […]
James Joseph McEntyre

James Joseph McEntyre

February 4, 2015
McIntyre DNA project James left for Australia at the age of 19 with his older sister Mary (21), on the ship Pericles. Married Alice Murphy at St Patrick’s Cathedral Melbourne 24 May 1887 While in Melbourne three children were born. James Joseph McEntyre b:1859 in Dublin – d:20-Dec1904 in Auckland died 20-Dec 1904 Auckland …………. […]
Thomas Joseph McEntyre

Thomas Joseph McEntyre

February 4, 2015
McIntyre DNA project   Breakthrough: Have found Thomas’ father  ——->James Thomas is the son of James McEntyre and Elizabeth McEntyre. My guess is this is Thomas’ wedding photo to his 2nd wife Honora. Thomas would have been 41 or 42. On the marriage record I’ve found for Thomas and Honora there is a James McEntyre […]
My DNA results.

My DNA results.

November 18, 2014
Got a Geno 2.0 DNA test done. Pretty interesting… Will add more to this as there is a lot to filter… R-P312-4b (R-M222). This subclade within R-L21 is defined by the presence of the marker M222. It is particularly associated with male lines which are Irish or Scottish, but especially northern Irish. In this case, […]


September 3, 2014
  Got some seeds coming along nicely in my old fish tank. Hear are some baby daikons. (Japanese radish) Picked up some baby veggies at the local home center to get the winter crop underway. Purple cabbage, stick broccoli, lettuce and a mini tomato. Our old red pepper and eggplants are still in their pots…
Keyhole Garden without the keys!

Keyhole Garden without the keys!

August 28, 2014
2 days left for my summer vacation, so decided to do something with the garden. Especially since the weather had cooled down. Inspired by a recent FB friend’s picture of a keyhole garden I knew that was what had to happen. Also after planting melon, watermelon, pumpkin, eggplant, red peppers and mini tomatoes this year […]
Karate Kid shots at Sekiyado Castle Tone River

Karate Kid shots at Sekiyado Castle Tone River

December 30, 2013
  Will add more soon as the files are too big…lots of other shots to come.
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