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MACSTER: If Napster can do it with music; then we can do it with our Mc GEDCOMs.  What I plan on doing is putting every McIntyre (any spelling) GEDCOM I can get my hands on; all on the one CD (if they fit). Or put the whole lot online to download or share or do what ever you want with them. There are GEDCOMs stored on ROOTSWEBs GEDCOM storage system, but not all grouped under the one file or name. So I'd like to put all our records in the one spot. This will make our one name Mc research a whole lot easier. As I get some more interest and as time goes by we should have a fair amount of info. What I plan to do is allow people who want a CD with all the Mc info on it to just pay the basic cost and postage. That's right. No profit. Just like Napster did. Only we're the musicians and we will control what we want to divulge or share with our research. For more info just click ont the email link at the bottom of this page and ask away.

Don't forget to join the  McIntyre RootsWeb mailing list: See below:

Mc... Irish folklore.
The first recorded history we have found of the name is St. Ciaran of Ireland: For a detailed study on this please visit John D. McLaughlin's Clan McLaughlin site.

Annals of Ulster 512 A.D. Natiuitas sancti Ciarani filii artificis "The birth of Saint Cairan son of the artificer."
These early Latin entries for St. Ciaran clearly describe his father Beoid as a maker of chariots - and the term "filii artificis" was the basis for the later "Mac an t-saoir" designation of the Irish scribes, meaning "son of the carpenter or wright.
There is a beautiful Celtic Cross of St Ciaran here at the St. Ciaran's Parish Church in Dublin

Mc... Scottish folklore.
It is said, that the first Mac an t-Saoir (Mac, McI, McEntyre etc) was actually a MacDhonuill (MacDonald), who had the name conferred upon him because of an adventure he endured while out to sea alone. The story goes, that in a wind tossed sea, his boat sprang a leak. As the poor rascal had no other way to stop it, he thrust his thumb into the hole. Being as how it was impossible to steer the boat and stop the leak at the same time, he lopped off his thumb. He made it home, but because of his particular brand of resourcefulness, he was ever thereafter called "the carpenter". The name Mac an t-saoir means,"son of the carpenter; son of the wright".
It was anglicised to 'MacIntyre' and it's many derivatives. No doubt the name is a Highland cognomen which derived from a skill. Popular tradition has it, that the Clan is a branch of the MacDhonuills. Mac an t-saoir's were found throughout Scotland, and held lands under the chiefs of many different clans, and fought valiantly for them as well. For a more in depth look at the name I recommend the Clan McAteer site. It is the best I've seen on the net with regards to research on the name and folklore.

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The Clan motto is "Per Adua", which means, "through difficulties".
And through them we have come, always holding a distinct view of who we are, the most of us never forgetting. After almost two centuries of dispersion and a lack of representation, finally in 1991, the MacIntyres once more took their seat on the Council of Clan Chiefs after the correct shield of arms was recorded by the 9th Chief.
For more details about this see the Clan McIntyre  connection link above. There seems to be 3 clans at the moment representing the Mac an t-Saoir rootname. The two McIntyre clans based in the USA and the McAteer clan based in Ireland. I wish they'd all get together under the ancient name Mac an t-Saoir where all can be equal. There seems to be a rivalry over this. In my mind anyway. It is obvious that we all share the same roots or background. You only have to see the distribution of the name to see that it is fairly well balanced in all forms in either Scotland or Ireland. I would like to see some actual figures to see what spelling is most common and where they all originated from. Also some discussion on why there are two Clans representing both sides. I'd say Skye would be a nice place for both the Clans to Unite or a new Clan to be registered as Mac an t-Saoir from Skye and the other Clans being Septs of this Clan. Correct me if I'm wrong?
For a comprehensive account of the name variations go to the McAteer Clan site.

A MacIntyre Tartan: What is and should be the official tartan???

tartan2.gif (5728 bytes)I recently bought a MacIntyre Clan tartan cap and scarf from The House of Tartan online site in Scotland, and proudly wear my cap (inside the house or on the golf course). I gave the scarf to my wife as a Christmas present and hope to buy more tartan products from them in the future. 

Join the main McIntyre mailing list.


Need help subscribing? Email me and I'll do it for you.  e-mail:Me

I would first advise joining the McIntyre mailing list as it is bigger at the moment and until it gets too big will be the better list to mail your queries.
There are currently 4 lists catering to this name. I'm trying to convert every body onto the main McIntyre list as spelling of this name is not a major factor when we look at the history of this name. Spelling variations have occured throughout the generations based on geography, mistakes, differentiation between family members with the same first name and how the person writing the name decided to spell it based on their own spelling abilities.
Throughout my life people have mispelt my name. Now I don't care so much. Don't be proud of the weird spelling you have just get on the main list and let's find our cousins.

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The information on this page has been collected over the last few years. Some of it may have come from other homepages or from other people on the internet. If any of it has been copied or is in infringement of any copyright please email me about it and it will be removed, credited or altered accordingly.


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Last modified: January 27, 2006