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I’ve found her death certificate.
Confirms her burial in Kenmore Hospital Cemetery.
She was probably working as a ‘Laundress’ in the hospital.

Next stage:
Hi Peter,
Thank you for your enquiry regarding Juila McMahon. From the Hospital Cemetery Index, I can confirm that Julia is buried in the cemetery. The minimal cemetery records we have indicate that Juila was born in Eire, her date of death was 10/11/1900 at the age of 63. We don’t hold patient records in the library, for more information on Julia, including patient records, you could try contacting State Records NSW, or Southern NSW Local Health District. Patient records are held with both these state departments.
We have a great collection of digitised photos from Kenmore Hospital in the early 1900s. You could browse these to gain a sense of the institution at the time. Here is a link to our library webpage:
If you type ‘Kenmore Hospital’ into the search box then hit the enter button, then select ‘titles available online’ from the left-hand column, you will see the photo collection.
You could also try searching TROVE for newspaper articles on the Kenmore Hospital.
I hope this information has been helpful. Good luck with your research.
Interestingly on the ship Julia arrived on the Ravenscraig, there was a crew member who I guess was molesting or interferring with the female passengers.Attached is a pdf of the news article found on TROVE.