James & Elizabeth McEntyre

I’ve found a marriage for these two in Banagher in 1818 and a daughter Brigid born the same year some 10 months after the marriage!!!
No sign of the birth of their son Thomas there yet.

I also found through Griffith’s Valuation and google maps a cluster of old stone houses and sheds that would have been their residences around the early 1800s. Will copy the pics from google soon. The remnants are still there and the farm is still running.

James & Elizabeth (Cummins or Cunning) are the furthest I’ve gone so far with my McEntyre’s. Now to find the father of James who I believe is from Clonmacnoise or Gallen or Clonony/ Banagher in Offaly. I think James has a brother Thomas who took his family to Australia (Kiama). Thomas in Australia’s death certificate shows a Thomas as the father in Gillen Offaly. Will put the Kiama connection on the next blog post. • Shipping: arrived Sydney aboard “Subraon”, 12 Apr 1848.

I’ve just sent off an email to organise James’ & Elizabeth’s death certificates. Hopefully they will hold the next generation!

Over the last few weeks I’ve managed to find so much more information…

Update: 2016 Jan 5th.

I’ve had this info a while but have not entered it yet.

Found a daughter Brigid and James’  & Elizabeth’s marriage records. No sign of son Thomas in the Church records.

Gallen and Reynagh | Microfilm 04242 / 01


Baptism of Brigid. Sponsors Terrence? McEntire Brigid Cunning (Brigid at the wedding too)



Thought I’d never do it. I can’t find any record of them prior to 1850 and taking into account James’ (probable) brother took his family to Australia in 1848 from Gallen Offaly I can only assume that this is the same time James came to Dublin.

James & Elizabeth were living at 18 Wood Street and managing small houses for lodgers at 18, 23 & 27 Wood Street.
18 Wood Street was the location of a historical Presbytarian Meeting House built in 1701. That building had probably been demolished by 1850 but it is on the only detailed early map I can find of the area. (see below)
I believe they also had one other place a few streets away at Dawson Court as I found a James McIntyre listed there as running a house for lodgers there also.

Looks like in 1854 son Thomas took ownership of 6, 7 & 8 Wood Street. And then sold 6, 7 & 8 Wood Street in 1871.
Auctioned off in the Landed Estate Court, so looks like Thomas couldn’t keep up with the upkeep or taxes or was bankrupt???
I’ve just ordered details on all properties that can be purchased ironically enough from the office where Thomas worked. (The Valuation Office). Let’s hope Thomas didn’t put his own records in the ancient shredder.

Here is a great map that shows the small houses with long gardens out back. I believe that 18 Wood Street to be to the right on this map and on the corner of Whitefriars…that’s what the Griffith’s Valuation points to. If you compare to google’s maps of today you can see the street has been closed off and re-routed with large apartment blocks sitting there now. There is now St Edna’s Primary school located right where I think #18 would have been on the corner.

In 1836, Fr. John Spratt, an Irish priest and famous preacher, was given many tokens of esteem following a sermon in Rome. One gift from Pope Gregory XVI were the remains of St. Valentine and “a small vessel tinged with his blood.” The Reliquary was placed in Whitefriar Street Church in Dublin, Ireland, and has remained there until this day. This was accompanied by a letter claiming the relics were those of St. Valentine.[32]

This is the view they would have had from across the street to the Whitefriars Street Church.

Wood Street was a melting pot of Christianity in Ireland so it seems,


—When assessing Oliver Cromwell’s legacy in Ireland, we should notoverlook the religious congregations he supported in Dublin during theCommonwealth. The Protestant Dissenter congregations at Wood Street andNew Row were a source of republican ideas and pro-reform politics inthe city from their foundation through to the establishment of theUnited Irishmen in the late eighteenth century. Revd Jeremiah Marsdenof New Row fomented a rebellion against Charles II in Yorkshire in1663. John Toland (1670–1721), who had Wood Street associations, fledDublin when his ‘atheistical’ book was burnt by the public hangman in1697. Francis Hutcheson (1694–1747) established a school for the WoodStreet Dissenters in 1720. He was later appointed professor of moralphilosophy at Glasgow. The Presbyterian ministers within the ranks ofthe United Irishmen were imbued with Hutcheson’s democratic principleswhen studying at Glasgow. Archibald Hamilton Rowan (1751–1834) and DrWilliam Drennan (1754–1820) were leading members of the Dublin Societyof United Irishmen and were also attached to the Wood Streetcongregation, which by then had relocated to Great Strand Street.Robert Holmes, husband of Mary Anne Emmet, and John Patten,brother-in-law of Thomas Addis Emmet, were prominent United Irishmenand were also attached to Great Strand Steet. The considerableDissenter membership of the United Irishmen in the Great Strand Streetarea led the ‘Sham Squire’, Francis Higgins, to label them ‘the kingkillers of Pill Lane’. The two congregations eventually merged and aretoday the Dublin Unitarian Church at St Stephen’s Green. The image ofCromwell as a murderous religious sectarian fanatic is hard to squarewith the emergence of non-sectarian democratic politics and liberalreligion from the Dublin congregations he sponsored.

—Yours etc.,
Dublin 7

Wood Street holds its fame to being one of the first meeting locations for the Unitarian Church (Wood Street Congregation)
Looking down Wood Street you get a great view of St Patrick’s Cathedral’s spire. Click on this pic and it will show you my estimated locations of the dwellings going off the Griffith’s address hints.


A quick Y chromosome journey.
7) Thomas here will be the next level…to clear 1770s???
6) James McEntyre b1798-18th Nov 1856 & Elizabeth
5) Thomas McEntyre b1824 –10 Aug 1893 Dublin & Rose then Hanora then Jane
4) James Joseph McEntyre b1859d:20-Dec1904  & Alicia
3) Patrick William McEntyre b 1891 & Zillah
2) James Joseph McEntyre b1931 & Marise
1) me—> Peter William McEntyre b1963 & (Private)

First I found the marriage certificate of Thomas Joseph McEntyre b1824 to his 2nd wife Honoria (Corcoran) Dowling (widow).

Listing Jacobi (James) and Elizabeth McEntyre as Thos’ parents. Also showing their residence as Wood Street.


Today (Mar 9th 2015) I found their burial records from Glasnevin cemetery in Dublin showing their address as 18 Wood Street.

ElizabethMcdeath JamesMcISrdeath

In the first plot we have.

Glasnevin Section JF 81.5 Garden Plot owned by Thomas McEntyre

Thomas McEntyre  aged 65 shown, but he was 69 according to previous records. died 10th Aug 1893

Jane McEntyre aged 42. I’ve never seen or heard of Jane before but she was born a year after Thomas married in 1852,
Jane is listed as a widow, so this would not be her maiden name. Makes no sense. Did Thomas have a third wife? A very very young third wife? Yes, he did! I found their civil wedding record. 21st July 1883. She was a young catch.

Honoria McEntyre (nee Corcoran, nee Dowling) Thomas’s second widowed wife. d 19th Sep 1880 aged 47. Thomas waited a few years this time before marrying.

Anne Reid, Honora’s mother who was the 1st to go into this plot. died: 26th Dec 1860 aged 60.

In the second plot we have…

Glasnevin Section GE 205 Garden Plot owned by Edward Egan:

Elizabeth McEntyre died 13th June 1866 aged 82. Address shown as 18 Wood Street.
James McEntyre died 18th Nov 1856 aged 58 Address Wood Street
Rose McEntyre 
died 4th April 1865 aged 41 ( 2 Leinster Rd [should be 20 Leinster])

Edward Egan died 2 Nov 1852 1866 aged 82 Park Street Rose’s father or grandfather?
Hubert Egan died 13th June 1854 aged 40 Ranelagh Rd Rose’s brother?

In the Griffith’s Valuation of 1854 James is listed at:
18, 23 & 27 Wood Street (House and small yard) as the lease holder with his occupation listed as (lodgers)
So he was probably sub-letting the homes to lodgers. I also just found that son Thomas became the owner of 8 Wood St in 1854. Taking the owner’s lease off D Donavan. Thomas would have been 30 years old and in his 6th year at the Griffith’s Valuation Office. I suppose he knew a good buy when he saw one. They seem to like Wood Street. Will have to try and find some old pics or sketches of the street. All new buildings now.


More to come…


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