Have spent close to 30 years tracking down Henrietta. Always assumed she stayed in Ireland. Was told we had family in America and managed to track them down as well. They are not interested unfortunately.
She turned up in Bethlehem Pennsylvania.
I’ve found all three siblings’ baptisms and father Thomas’ second marriage records
here http://churchrecords.irishgenealogy.ie/churchrecords
To my American descendants of Henrietta please get in touch.. HERE
Summary: with more details and photos below.
08 Mar 1861 in at home 20 Leinster Road, Rathmines, Co.Dublin
17 Mar 1861 in Rathmines, Dublin, Ireland; St Mary’s Pro Cathedral
Married Patrick Tallon
18 Nov 1889 Fairview Drumcondra Roman Catholic Northern Dublin
24 Feb 1956 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (residence then 2312 Ripley street
20 Leinster Rd Rathmines Dublin: Birth address.
Henrietta’s mother Rose (Egan) died 03 Apr 1865 when Henrietta was almost 4. Her stepmother came along quite quickly the following month.
Honora Corcoran (Dowling)
4 Edmund Terrace Fairview at time of wedding
10 Fairview Strand Clontarf (possibly lived here with her father)
Father Thomas owned 3 homes in Wood Street #6, #7, #8 Grandfather James owned 4. Wood Street #18, #23, #27 and another #3 Dawson’s Court. These appear to have been used for lodgers. #18 being the residence of grandparents James & Elizabeth.
306 Prospect Ave, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, from the early 1900s till the 1930s then moved to Philadelphia.
Here are some archive photos and one current pic of this house. The new owner is a great historian and managed to track me down via this page. I just wish her American grandchildren had some similar interest.
Top left of the following pic.
A more recent pic.
This is a photo from Boston sent to Australia. I was always told it was a Murphy girl. A sister of Alicia (Murphy) McEntyre.
Alicia being Henrietta’s brother James’ wife.
I was told she married a Tilton. Now, I’m starting to think the wires were crossed and it is Henrietta who married a Tallon.
Or this one from Boston as well.
Or are they the same person?
And if this is Henrietta…the following photo may be her husband Patrick Tallon. This photo was also taken in Boston.
On the other hand it could be Alicia’s brother who went to Boston. Patrick Murphy Patrick Tallon???
Henrietta’s grandson John McEntyre Ludwig
Henrietta’s son in law.
On April 15th I received from GRO Ireland Henrietta’s marriage certification which showed father Thomas’ address, so we have the correct Henrietta and her husband lines up with the Patrick Tallon who went to Pennsylvania. I had deleted a lot of it as it all seemed like a mis-match a few months ago due to Henrietta or somebody lying/not knowing about her age… She had a great innings living to 94 even though it was 87 on her death certificate.
Hoping the extended family in the U.S will make contact with me now and hopefully they will have more details to share.
I’ve tried unsuccessfully to message some of them on facebook. If they are reading this please send me an email at peter (at) mcentyre dot com. And if they have nothing to share or don’t want to become involved at least let me know so I can stop trying to contact them.
Because I guess genealogy is not everybody’s cup of tea.
Marriage: 18th November 1889: Patrick Tallon is listed as a Grocer of Constitution Hill Dublin. Henrietta’s address being 4 Edmund Terrace Fairview. Also showing this address on father Thomas’ 3rd marriage to Jane Heaney (Grant) in 1883.
Henrietta and father Thom witnessing a wedding.
In 1916 I’ve found a record of Henrietta and daughter Bertha as 2nd Sopranos in the Bethlehem Bach Choir.
Tallon, Bertha H. (Second Soprano), I9i2-'l3-'l4-'l5-'l6. Tallon, Henrietta (Second Soprano), igosa-'osb. Death Cert...showing her 'I'm a young lady age.'
One thing I am puzzled by is why Bertha was chosen as a name and what happened to Henrietta’s husband Patrick???
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