Gerringong to Goolmangar

Still on the trail of the Kiama connection branch of the tree.
I stumbled onto some nice websites with information about the family’s relocation to Goolmangar (Nimbin/ Lismore area).

The death occurred at his residence,
Leycester-street, Lismore, on Friday
evening last of Mr. James Mclntyre,
one of the pioneers of the district.
Deceased, who was 85 years of age,
was a native of King’s County, Ireland, ,
and arrived in Australia with his parents
And other members of the family when
he was four years old.(actually he was 7)
The family settled at Gerringong, on the South Coast,
where they followed farming pursuits.
When a young man the subject of this
notice came to tho Richmond River, being accompanied by his late brother (the
late Mr. T. J.McIntyre), brother-in-law
“(Mr. Thomas Carew), and Mr. Thomas
Brown, and selected land, at Goolman-
. gar. Here they endured all the hardships of the pioneerrs, and bravely
, battled against what appeared to be in-surmountable odds, but eventually won
James Mclntyre was one of a family of eight, the remaining members being
John, Thomas (K.S.G. of tho Roman  Church), Mrs. P.Devery, Mrs. L. Hay-
dan, Mrs. T. Carew (all of whom are de
ceased), Mrs. K. Murray and Mrs. F.
Mclntyre All the members of the family were
successful in life,and amassed considerable wealth.
 Deceased, though of a quiet and retiring disposition was very well known for his straightforward
, kindly and genorous
nature, and regrets were heard on all  sides at his passing.
On the Monday previous to his death
he attended the sports on Coleman’s
Point, when he appeared in his usual
good health.
However, he took ill on
Tuesday evening, and
succumbed to
broaohial?? trouble bronchial?)
The late Mr. McIntyre married Miss Ellen Reid of Jamberoo, who pre-decased him five years
ago. He leaves a family of three sons,
James (Goolmangar), John (Tenterfield), and Terence (Beaudesert).
One ??? (William) and a daughter Mrs. J.
????bone are dead.
 The remains were interred in the
Roman Catholic cemetery, the funeral being largely attended. Rev. Fathers O’Byrne and McGrath attended deceas-
F od in his last illness, and the service at
| the graveside was conducted by Fathern McGrath
»” Northern Star.”
Errors pending correction
‘the death ccu.llecl oi Satulday of
the p’ioneeis of Goolmangar, and a
leading layman of the Roman. Cathol;e
Church in ih’ Lismore lact.,,
‘Tie lat.) Mr. .ellly.vr, who was; born
in 1i0I4′, C?a.lnty, Ir ‘law i 72 yeaim
ago, came to AuAtralia with h~,s par
omts a. an intfantL. Ie hat been in
iAutrialia 70 years , le came to the
North Coast from the South Coast, anl
pionleered the Goolnailgar cellntre as a
faunar over 30 yas ago. tHe was
ma’rr’ied at Jlamberoo to Miss (irac. IU
Boyle at the age of 28.
The late Mr. MelItyre wa; a Knight
of St. Gregory of hi chulmrch, having
been kn’ighted several years a?.o h?y
the late Pope. Pl?s X. .That wais in
recognition of what lhe ha tlleoe. fot
the church’,. He was lintru ment[al in
lhaving it churclt built at Coolmlneigat’
and rela?ied on the chuiwli committleo
‘ight up .to the tuime of h1s deatli. He
was in lact thie centre, of the ‘Romanu
Catholic life of G(oolinalagar. The late
Mr.’ McIntyre was a, trg contributor
towards the budiilding oft St. Carthage’s
Cathedral and completed his great
work by precsonting the main altai,
wh’ichl cost nearly £2000.
The deceased’ leaves? a widothw, but no
family. He wiasu a la’other of Mr. J.
T1, McIntyre, North Sydney; and Mr.
J., IcIntyre, L’isinorL; ald the Jate
MJiss P. Mclntyre, Iieaudescr’~ Queens.
Jand; the late llm 1′. . Devery, CGert
‘1ingong; the late Mr”. L. F.. Hoyden,
Q(oolin.iagar; thie late Mrll. a’. Cito’es’
”oolijooa; and Ml e. M. Murray, 1Wav
orlmey; and an uincle of M[essrs. P. aLndI
J. IDevery, of (GerLingong.
The Lobasequllies took 1place on March
30. The cortege. moved 1’roln deceaus
ed’r late honme at GCoolnangar flotr St.
Carthage’s Catl.ethaul. at, nuon. At tlhe
Cathedral a serv’ice was colnduicted’ by
M’ons’ignor MoCG!ire, aLS,’SLtted by NRev.
FatheLr Morris. Mlonsignor MlcG~ale
spoke of the late hMI’. McIntyre’si ox
eanplllry life as an adlhlrltt of the,
chluch 1ant1 as iL ditien,, o’ h 11 dlaliltl
towards h’is chlurcl and’ ailso to who)
hvejr needed his assistance, and of t.ho
great loss to the paoish anld thIn
church by tlhe death of decleasedl.
Whilsti the ‘collln was being conveyed
‘romn tIhe Catltedrt’l. to the Iheanso thie
“Dead March ‘in Saul”‘ was plkyed’ by
Father Coiesin,. T’he $nterlment took
place in tile IonLan Outholic cemnltery
MonLsigLor McGOuire olulcdidted at the
graves’i.dLl, assistld ,by th?e Rev., Fathers
(J’ieain, Mor?i,’, Hlkly n, a(id Scott (Beln.
galow). Rleference .to ‘thi deathl of
Mr. Melntyile was ima1d4 at ?i1, tho
masses ona Sunday.–””NoethelrI Stat.”

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