My DNA results.

Got a Geno 2.0 DNA test done. Pretty interesting… Will add more to this as there is a lot to filter…

R-P312-4b (R-M222). This subclade within R-L21 is defined by the presence of the marker M222. It is particularly associated with male lines which are Irish or Scottish, but especially northern Irish. In this case, the relatively high frequency of this specific subclade among the population of certain counties in northwestern Ireland may be due to positive social selection, as it is suggested to have been the Y-chromosome haplogroup of the Uí Néill dynastic kindred of ancient Ireland.[41] However it is not restricted to the Uí Néill as it is also associated with the closely related Connachta dynasties, the Uí Briúin and Uí Fiachrach.[65] M222 is also found as a substantial proportion of the population of Scotland which may indicate substantial settlement from northern Ireland or at least links to it.[41][66] Those areas settled by large numbers of Irish and Scottish emigrants such as North America have a substantial percentage of M222.[41]

McIntyre DNA project

PDF file attached below if you want to have a read….

infographic (1)

R-M222 is my paternal haplogroup.

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