Dublin or Melbourne?

A spanner in the works.
Going through my late Aunts old photos I found an identical photo to one I had gotten from her years ago.

The one I originally received was mounted on a William Lawrence Portrait Painter and Photographer DUBLIN. I have a feeling this is a reproduction possibly from a negative.
The slightly smaller one is not cropped, darker in tone and has a The Oriental Gallery 209 Bourke Street Melbourne backing.

If one was reproduced in Dublin, how and why did it end up back in Australia?



Oct 2020 edit: Popular consensus on team Internet and Facebook is that this is James born in 1859 and this photo would have been taken in Melbourne in the 1880s. He must have sent the ‘negative’ to Dublin for it to be reproduced there for his father (Thomas). When Thomas died in the 1890s, it must have then been sent back to Australia.So this photo is James Joseph McEntyre not his father Thomas.

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