
Not these ones!!
Aero Chocolate bars

Thunderstorms threatening, I couldn’t wait any longer and took the Trek out for a spin up to the castle and back to test the new aerobars.
Felt better than I thought it would. I didn’t have the computer on so wasn’t concerned about speed. Just wanted to get a feel for them. If anything they could be an extra centimeter longer. I may even tilt them down that extra centimeter to see if that does the trick.

Today’s Route:

Took a bit of footage from the saddle.

Will have to watch the TT in tonight’s Tour De France. Can Lance claw his way back onto the podium?
Will Wiggins threaten?
Will the Schlecks drop out of contention? This tour has gone fast. Couldn’t sworn there was another week to go but it will be all over Saturday/Sunday.
Looking forward to Cavendish burning on the Champs-Élysées. Go Cav!

Today: 43km
Year: 3361.4km