500 sit ups.

Woke up at 4a.m looking forward to a special team training run amongst the Chiba boso hills only to hear the rain pelting down outside.
Back to bed and a quick wink and it was 8:30a.m.
Still raining but not as heavy. I got my cycling gear on anyway determined to go for a ride by myself in the wet. The rain however picked up and got heavier.
Plan B:
To the gym. I did my normal routine but not as heavy on most of the machines. Having seen a lot of blogs of team mates and training partners lately, I’ve seen a trend of the riders doing the most sit ups are improving the most.
I sat down and put the incline at the lowest position with 1000 sit-ups in mind before I went home. 350 first then I did my usual routine around about 10 machines to finish up with 150 sit-ups at the end. Half my goal but more than twice what I’d ever done before.
I’m sure the pain will come on Tuesday and be gone by Thursday.
Monday tomorrow and only 2 hours of classes in the morning, I’ve decided to ride to work and get in at least 75km on the way home for a total of 100km.

I hadn’t been to the gym in an embarrassingly long time.