Mini Stop

Tonight’s 61st Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré, is 42,4km and that’s about exactly what I just rode for the Wednesday night sprint group. I had jelly legs all day today after last night’s effort and was hoping it was going to rain so I could go to the gym or stay home. A call from Cab made me decide to go for the ride anyway.
A lot of guys there tonight and although the overall pace was not fast the sprints were extreme. I only pushed myself in two of them for a 3rd and a 4th. Top speed of 56.7kph for the night which is a tad slower than last night. The other sprints I didn’t even worry about as everybody was just too fast. Took two short cuts up the center for two laps and didn’t even ride the last sprint lap.

Some guys are coming back for more on Friday night.
61st Critérium du Dauphiné Libéré is just about to start. I’ve just had my snack for my glycogen levels to return and am half way through a bottle of Gatrorade. After that it will be a silver bullet. ASAHI SUPER DRY 500ml to put me to sleep. All from the local Mini-Stop between training and home.

Japanese Arashiro just finished the TT in 18th place. I forgot he was racing this. Still a lot of riders to go…